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Status Wymiany:

Ocena wystawiona przez Zamawiającego:
5 - wyśmienicie

Wybrana forma wysyłki:
list polecony

Data zamówienia: 2017-12-19 20:15
Data realizacji: 2017-12-22 16:12
Data odbioru: 2017-12-29 00:48

The Motivated Mind. How to get what you want from life.

Stan: dobry / widoczne ślady użytkowania

126PKT 12,60zł


Forma wysyłki

list polecony

Zasięg wysyłki


Czas realizacji

5 dni roboczych

Zobacz pełny opis »

Szczegóły przedmiotu

  • Autor: Persaud Raj
  • Gatunek: Psychologia
  • Format: miękka okładka
  • Rok wydania: 2007
  • Język: angielski
  • Opis fizyczny: 528 stron, 2.7 x 3.3 x 19.7 cm

Opis przedmiotu

1. Do you make New Year resolutions?

Almost all of us do, because we want to achieve positive personal change. But did you know that most resolutions are repeated five years in a row?

2. Have you ever dieted?

If diets work, why do we needs so many? The answer lies in our belief that the latest approach will be the one that finally works - although we may be suffering from what psychologists term "False Hope Syndrome".

3. Do you constantly strive to fulfil your dreams?

We seem to be obsessed advantage and disadvantage, fairness and the level playing field, without realizing that it's our inner drive, motivation and the ability to overcome obstacles that are central to any success strategu.

In "The Motivated Mind" award-winning author and psychiatrist Dr Raj Persaud investigates the latest scientific research on this fascinating subject, and he comes to some surprising conclusions. As he shows how most incentive schemes actually demotive, and why the brain pursues happiness, he also reveals how, ultimately, it is an intriguing mind strategy that will help you get what you want from life.
Ostatnia zmiana: 2016-10-26 23:01

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