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220PKT 22,00zł


Forma wysyłki

list zwykły priorytetowy, list polecony, odbiór osobisty: Mikołów

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Czas realizacji

4 dni robocze

Szczegóły przedmiotu

  • Autor: Steel Danielle
  • Gatunek: Romans
  • Format: miękka okładka
  • Język: angielski

Opis przedmiotu

Against a vivid backdrop of history, Danielle Steel tells a compelling story of love and war, acts of faith and acts of betrayal…and of three generations of women as they journey though years of loss and survival, linked by an indomitable devotion that echoes across time.

For the Wittgenstein family, the summer of 1915 was a time of both prosperity and unease, as the guns of war sound in the distance. But for eldest daughter Beata, it was also a summer of awakening. By the glimmering waters of Lake Geneva, the quiet Jewish beauty met a young French officer and fell in love. Knowing that her parents would never accept her marriage to a Catholic, Beata followed her heart anyway. And as the two built a new life together, Beata’s past would stay with her in ways she could never have predicted.
Ostatnia zmiana: 2012-12-24 19:39
Liczba odsłon: 0
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